Root Canal
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Root canal treatment can often save a tooth from being extracted. It involves removing the nerve and soft tissues.
During a routine check-up, we often take x-rays so we can check for any infection in the internal structures of your teeth. If we spot signs of infection, we will suggest you have root canal treatment to save the tooth.
Why will I need root canal treatment?
Decay or trauma can cause bacteria to breach the hard, external structure of the tooth, causing an infection to the soft tissues inside the tooth. Symptoms can include pain, increased sensitivity to temperature, discolouration of the affected tooth, a metallic taste, gum tenderness or swelling.
What does treatment involve?
Root canal treatment may require several appointments. We first remove the nerve under local anaesthetic and clean out the root canals. Once prepared and cleaned, we can use internal whitening if the tooth has darkened from the condition. The tooth is then filled and, in most cases, fitted with a crown to help restore tooth shape and functionality.